God is Our Only Answer!!!

With the lack of ANY LEADERSHIP in this country, I feel so VERY STRONGLY that this Nation is about to be attacked AGAIN, ONLY WORSE than on September 11, 2001. We as a Nation have turned our backs on Jesus, the God of the Bible, and he is about to pour out his Wrath Upon this Nation. At this time, we can only Pray that we do not see a repeat, only much worse, than what took place on September 11, 2001. Is a Major Attack what it will take for the many in this country who either believe in all LIES that they have been told, or who have just Neglected to get Involved, TO SEE THE LIGHT for the First Time in their Lives?

Will this be the END OF THIS NATION AS WE KNOW IT, or will it be the FIRST TIME since the Revolutionary War that Americans join the fight to REBUILD this Nation back to the Glory we once had, with the Freedoms that we once enjoyed under God and our Constitution? Will we once again become the Shinning Beacon of Light for all the World to see?

Will we as Americans REALLY STAND UP to the TRYANNY that has taken over, and THROW THIS CURRENT REGIME OUT, and ARREST and CHARGE the CRIMINAL SQUATTER in the White House and all of his ASSORTED THUGS, with all the Crimes they have committed, along with all the CO-CONSPIRTORS in Congress, the Media and Elsewhere.

We have gone through some very DARK DAYS in our Nationā€™s History. We know that God is our refuge and strength. A very present help in trouble. Psalm 46. We have always responded, but in all those situations, ā€œWe the Peopleā€, were fighting those battles against Foreign Enemies, except for the Civil War. Today we are fighting the LARGEST BATTLE against our own CORRUPT Government, in addition to Foreign Enemies with the Intent of Wiping us off the Face of the Earth. The largest foreign threat is RADICAL Islam, but Russia, China and other Nations also pose major threats as well.

Author: Harold Thiele

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